Department S

   Glen Romines
Assistant Superintendent:
   Dalton Meadows

Market Judge:
   Bryson Williams

The General Rules of the Wise County Youth Fair and the following rules will govern the Boer Goat show.

1. Market Wethers can show with horns. Horns must be blunt tipped prior to arrival at the fair grounds. No tipping allowed on the grounds. Horn tip should be NO smaller than the diameter of a dime. NO Exceptions.

2. All market wethers must be shorn prior to arriving at the Wise County Youth Fair. Hair may not be longer that 3/8 inch from the hocks and knees up, excluding the tail up.

3. Wethers must be ear tagged on the State Validation date or the Wise County Youth Fair validation date. Market goats with lost ear tags must possess their permanent number. Animals may be validated or tagged in the family name with exhibitors designated at time of classifying.

4. Any market goat returning to the WCYF the following year with a previous permanent number must possess their milk teeth. No permanent incisors.

5. Market dairy goats will be classified. Decision of the classifier is final.
  *Dairy goat wethers MUST be full blood or combination of the 8 recognized ADGA breeds. No Boer crosses, Pygmy or Pygmy crosses will be shown in the dairy wether division. These animals will be shown in the boer wether class.

6. Market wethers will be divided by weight and classified into market and dairy breeds.
                         ****PENS WILL BE ASSIGNED BY COMMUNITY****

7. Each exhibitor will be allowed to exhibit (2) two Market Goats at the show. Only (2) two will be allowed on the grounds.

8. Overall grand and reserve, plus the champion and reserve from each division will be sold, then a percent of each breed staying as close to thirty-four (34) lots. It will be divided by the total number of goat entries in all breeds based on a percentage that will be in the sale. Plus or minus 1.

9. Animals not taken care of during the show will be removed from the barn.

10. Animals must be shown by the exhibitor. If exhibitor has two (2) or more goats in the same class, a substitute exhibitor will be allowed. (SEE RULE #12 IN GENERAL RULES.)

14.  Market Goat Wether

     Junior Showmanship, Market Wether
     Intermediate Showmanship, Market Wether
     Senior Showmanship, Market Wether

1. NO entry fee will be required for this class.

2. The goat must have been conceived and born in Wise County.

3. All goats competing must have a certificate signed by breeder stating that the wether was conceived and born in Wise County.

4. All native goat verification forms must be turned in at the time of registration and/or tag in.

5. The highest placing goat of each class will be eligible to compete.

6. An award will be presented to highest placing goat.

7. An award will be presented to the breeder of the highest placing goat.

8.  Placing of goats in this class will have no effect on qualifying for the auction sale.

15. Native Goat 

American Heritage/Endangered Breed 
- No entry fees.
- The breed must be one from the current or prior year Livestock Conservancy Conservation Priority List as Critical or Threatened
- All entries must have a registration or certification signed by the breeder.
- All "Heritage/Endangered" verification forms must be turned in at the time of registration and /or tag in.
- The highest placing animal of each class within the species will be eligible to compete.
- An award will be presented to the highest placing animal within the species.
- Placing of these animals will have no effect on qualifying for the auction sale.

Native goat forms should be filled out, signed and mailed or emailed to WCYF by the entry deadline or turned in with weight cards at weigh-in/classification.

Wise County Youth Fair
P.O. Box 1062
Decatur, Texas 76234
[email protected]

Native Goat Form

American Heritage/Endangered Breed Forms should be filled out, signed and mailed or emailed to WCYF by the entry deadline or turned in with weight cards at weigh-in/classification.

Wise County Youth Fair
P.O. Box 1062
Decatur, Texas 76234
[email protected]

American Heritage/Endangered Breed Form