Department Y
Todd Vineyard
ENTRIES CAN BE MADE ONLINE. Entries will be allowed the day of competition.
If help is needed, contact your Ag teacher, FCCLA teacher, Extension Office, 4-H leader or the Wise County Youth Fair Secretary.
This contest will be governed by the TEXAS FFA CDE RULES AND REGULATIONS, and also the General Rules and Regulations of the Wise County Youth Fair. Each 4-H and FFA chapter may furnish at least one (1) adult leader to assist with the contest as needed. Leaders and contestants should report to the Superintendent.
1. ELIGIBILITY: Contestants must be a bona fide 4-H or FFA member enrolled in public or private schools in Wise County.
Junior Division: Thirteen (13) years of age and younger as of September 1st of the previous year.
Senior Division: Fourteen (14) years of age and older as of September 1st of the previous year.
2. TEAMS: Three (3) to four (4) students may constitute a team in the contest. Clubs/Chapters can enter individuals and/or teams. Team scores will be determined by the combined scores of the three (3) highest scoring individual team members.
*There will be no talking between contestants during the contest. Violating this rule may cause the contestants and their teams to be disqualified.
*Only contestants and contest officials will be permitted in the contest area during the contest.
*No electronic devices will be allowed in contest area.
4. CLASSES: Animals & Classes to be determined. Contestants will have ten (10) minutes to observe classes and complete scorecard.
5. SCORING: Scantrons will be provided. All contestants must provide their own #2 pencil and may bring an unmarked clipboard and/or manila folder for use during the contest.
6. RESULTS: The contest results, as announced, will be final.
7. Any contestant not present promptly at the scheduled time will be ruled out and barred from competition.
8. No complaint or protest on the grounds that judges overlooked exhibits will be considered.